About The Young Highlander Awards

Amelia’s Young Highlander Awards (AYHA) was set up by mother Kelly Macrae in honour of her daughter Amelia to recognise inspirational young people in the Highlands.

How it Started

Amelia was born at 32 weeks, weighing just 3lb and was placed on a ventilator. At age two she was diagnosed with global development delay, at age three she was diagnosed with autism and being non-verbal. During these and other challenges faced by Amelia, Kelly made a promise that for every year of Amelia’s fight, she would fundraise for a charity for her birthday. Amelia is still fighting, having recently been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Where are we now?

The Amelia’s Young Highlander Awards 2024 will mark Amelia’s ninth birthday!

So far Kelly and her family have raised over £70,000 which has supported Drummond School, the Special Care Baby and Renal units at Raigmore Hospital as well as enabling the NHS Play Specialists to purchase a magic carpet and toys for the children’s ward.


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